What Was the Theme? Humiliation?

3 Bowls of Popcorn (and a hefty helpin’ of the word “no”)

I’m a very lucky woman. Why? Because I married a man who appreciates a good chick flick. No, I’m serious. My manly man of a husband finds them entertaining.

So movie number four is the always-charming 27 Dresses, a delightful little film about sisterly love and the deadly power of the word “yes.”

Josh finds this movie a little silly (I know, I know, I said he likes chick flicks, and he does! But that doesn’t mean he’s blind to their silly themes at times … ). He finds it silly because he has no problem telling people “no” and the entire movie revolves around a girl who says “yes” to everything. I like this movie, because – wait for it – I get it… I get how Jane feels. I get it. She’s a “yes” girl and so am I. Please note that I didn’t say I was necessarily proud of this fact.

Everyone walks all over Jane. She ends up living everyone else’s life because she can’t say “no” long enough to even grab a coffee. Then … a bombshell. Kevin, a writer who she is falling for, tells her that he thinks that she “deserves more than what [she] settles for.” Damn, that hurts. This (along with the cute one-liners and an ode to Benny and the Jets) is what makes me keep this movie in my library; I get it.

Why do people do this to themselves? Why can’t we just say “no” … !? Put simply, it’s because we are terrified of rejection. If we say “no,” will we get another shot? Society tells us we won’t. If we say “no” to anything asked of us, we are selfish or uncaring, we are thoughtless or cruel. How did we come to this? How did self-preservation because self-centered? 

Sigh. That makes me sad. It’s so unfair to her (to me? … to you?). Then again, Jane is her own worst enemy. She lives through others until she loves herself enough to be herself. Is that the key? Ouch, I hope not. I hope loving yourself is enough. At least I think I do …

I watch this movie and wish for the cure to the dreaded “yes” disease. It’s not kicked in yet, but, here’s hopin’.

4 Down, 226+ to go!

PS – I love that the dog’s name is Gatsby, but George isn’t actually the type of man who would name his dog Gatsby. I don’t buy it. For what’s it’s worth, I find George annoying.

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