Mentally Imbalanced to a Spectacular Degree

3 Bowls of Popcorn (and paradise: tuxedos and margaritas) 

“You know the hardest thing about being smart? I always know what’s going to happen; there’s no suspense.” – Terry

Some movies are just better in reverse (watch Memento and you’ll understand) and Bandits is one of them. Two men, Joe and Terry, are bank robbers just trying to earn enough to retire (and yes, I know it sounds like I’m justifying thievery). This dynamic duo is good; they do all this with no guns, no killing, no violence. They are so polite, in fact, that they, the Sleepover Bandits as they are called, are anticipated at the houses of bank managers (watch the movie to understand more). But they are bad because they are bad guys. They are robbing from people for personal gain. You spend the entire movie rooting for the bad guys. Shame on me (and probably you, too)!

So, this Bruce-Willis-side-project is great of three reasons…

  1. Terry and Joe are as different as day and night and yet, they are besties. Yes, they have their issues, but they always have each other’s back. I like that kind of loyalty in a movie. It’s the never-leave-a-man-behind kind of loyalty.
  2. It offers a new perspective on robbers. Joe and Terry aren’t bad guys. Are they good? No. But they aren’t villains. The world isn’t made up for good people and Deatheaters (a.k.a. baddies). It’s made up of a lot of gray areas. People are people; they are inherently full of gray areas.
  3. The one-liners are hilarious. Seriously, “beavers and ducks” takes the cake.

Good and bad aside, if for nothing else, watch this movie for Terry (played by Billy Bob Thorton). This is my favorite character of his. He’s funny and charming whilst being a complete hypochondriac.

26 movies down!

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Posted in Action, Comedy
One comment on “Mentally Imbalanced to a Spectacular Degree
  1. […] an example: Mentally Imbalanced to a Spectacular Degree. Here’s the conversation in Bandits that leads up to […]

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